Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

How long will delivery take?

The 24-hour delivery timeframe typically starts after the processes of your order.The availability of a 24-hour delivery option can depend on your location.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

Bank Transfers or Electronic funds transfers (EFTs) or pay with your Debit Card. Whatsapp us payment details to process your order

What exactly happens after ordering?

The order is verified and processed to be delivered.You will receive a shipping confirmation call from our delivery department to confirm that the delivery address you provided is accurate.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes, you should typically receive an invoice for your online order.

Send us an email

Telephone: +2348072377202
Whatsapp: +234-8036702594
M.D Email:
Address: 11 Oremeji Street Computer Village
Ikeja Lagos Nigeria.